Author: Azalais Title: In Dungeons Deep and Caverns Old Character: OFC (a Dwarf of the Lonely Mountain) Source: LoTR Appendix B Rating: G Disclaimer: Middle-earth belongs to Tolkien and his heirs: I wander there for fun, not profit( In Dungeons Deep and Caverns Old )
Title: Adjusting to Humanity Challenge; Earache Author: Curiouswombat Characters: Gandalf Rating: G Source: LotR
Disclaimer: The characters in this story do not belong to me, but are being used for amusement only, and all rights remain with the estate of JRR Tolkien.
Title: Another Four Pains… in One Night Author: Kortirion Characters: Young Aragorn and Young Halbarad Rating: G…ish Source: Pre Ring War Disclaimer: Tolkien’s characters, Kortirion’s incidents and inferences.